Creation of knowledgeable & fun-loving way in Ather Energy Experience Center

Mind of visitors cannot be regarded as a clean slate and it needs to start with experiences they have already had and then enrich upon them. This is what Lemon Design conveyed in branding the museum + spaces of Ather Energy Experience Centre in Bengaluru.


Client : Ather Energy
Industry : Automotive, manufacturing + engineering
Work : Museum+ space branding
Location : Bengaluru

 Formulated to demonstrateAther’s mission to re-imagine urban commute, the space of Ather Energy Experience Centre was designed keeping in mind not just the product, but the vision around the eco-system and to provide a sense of ownership.

Green philosophy

Ather’s guiding philosophy of Green & Clean Design and passion for human-centric tech & engineering interventions were the core principles considered while designing the unique space. The values of questioning, challenging, exploring & curious in an open, honest, knowledgeable, mature & fun-loving way gave rise to the Experience Centre where the brand and the product would come to life.

Demystifying technology

At the Experience Centre, visitors have access to all the specs, features and benefits of the components, and the user cases & benefits of having a smart and connected automobile. One of the key areas of focus was demystifying the technology behind the product and substantiating the claims made with proof of concepts and science behind the product & technology with actual demos and interactions.

Immersive ambience

The ambience and experience were curated to be immersive and exciting for the visitors while creating a deeply engaged community. It is, in short, a multi-sensory experience which celebrates electric mobility and aligns with Lemon’s belief in technology as a means for reshaping everyday living.

Lemon Design

Lemon Design is an award-winning Strategic Branding and Integrated Design Consultancy based in Pune, India. The company uses‘design thinking’ and ‘user-centric’ design to create a meaningful difference for brands, spaces, interfaces, packaging and products.Founded in 2000, Lemon Design explores across diverse geographies, disciplines, industry and consumer archetypes with more than 200+ clients globally across geographies, private & public companies.