Graphics and designs that inspire a unified experience at RELIANCE ADAG

Reliance Group of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani is an Indian conglomerate, headquartered in Mumbai. Disruptive and bold, it represents diversity in itself, including its 80000 sq ft workspace. This is where businesses and people grow, expand and progress. As the company moves towards a broader outlook, it demands a branding approach that reflects this shift. Leaf Design is the hands behind it.


Client : Reliance ADAG
Location : Mumbai
Works : Branding environment and way-finding system

Challenge in the project

A big challenge in the project for Leaf Design was to unite the diverse departments and reinforce the brand values and legacy, to foster excellence and inspire every employee, every day.

Right approach

The spaces were uniquely treated to affect performance, mood and productivity—creating diverse experiences that evoke specific emotions, tied together with the essence of Reliance brand essence.

Visual metaphors

Unique in the applications were the visual metaphors for brand values and beliefs. The Reliance values, vision and beliefs were expressed through metaphorical illustrations within visual language boundaries. Brand colours were interpreted to create an individual identity and the core for all environmental elements.

Creating inspired moments

Creating inspired moments everywhere, the inspired environments can keep people positive, productive and peaceful. Thus motivational and inspirational quotes by influential people and supporting with relevant inspiring imagery created an inspirational tonality throughout—diverse, yet consistent!

Positive thoughts

Personal cubicles were created for positive thoughts. With a creative twist on polaroid photographs, a world of motivation came alive from different perspectives. Business values, life principles, timeless truths, were conveyed through metaphoric or symbolic visuals to evoke different emotions and trigger actions. A variable mix of text, photographs and graphics enhanced interest levels, while thin frames created an illusion of floating on walls.

Space for every break

Breakout zones were created a refreshing mood around recreational activities – to rejuvenate people in the midst of work. Filled up with fun activities such as scrabble, music, lego, these spaces are crafted as areas to relax or unwind.

Functional signs to navigate massive space

Highly functional signs are designed to navigate massive space. The signage extended the visual route, while enhancing class and staying functional. An effective mix of brushed metal, plexi glass and wood further depicted the diversity.

Leaf Design

Founded in 2002 to help organisations respond to a change, using design, main philosophy of the creative team at Leaf Design is about changing the way people feel, talk and live. They constantly try to re-imagine the convergence of technology and design that can bring new ideas to life. By staying focussed on their core competencies in strategic thinking, holistic branding and user-centred design, the team helps brands identify opportunities, differentiate presence and foster business. The team is headed by Sumit Patel, Cofounder & Director; Sandeep Ozarde, Co-founder & Director; and Mahendra Patel, Chief Mentor. They ignite meaningful exchange of ideas for positive change in every single project they execute and work in an environment connecting the professionals in different ways through conversations, behaviours and interactions. To know more, log on to: