Nazdar announces water-based inks for EPSON printheads


Nazdar Ink Technologies has set to showcase its latest ink solutions at FESPA Munich 2023, which is scheduled to be held from May 23-26. Among the latest ink solutions will be new NDT DTF Series water-based inks formulated for use in EPSON I3200a piezo-electric printheads. Highlights on the Nazdar booth at the expo will include: Nazdar 706, 707 and 708 Series UV-LED ink for Mimaki JFX and UJF printers. Nazdar NDT DTF Series inks are for EPSON I3200a piezo-electric printheads, which the company has formulated for use in EPSON I3200a piezo-electric printheads. The CMYK + white inks have been designed for printing directly on to cold or hot peel film. The white ink has been developed to achieve a high opacity, flexible base layer for the CYMK inks, creating high quality vibrant prints ready for transferring.