First EFI VUTEk GS3250LX Pro in India at Wonder Images in Kolkata


Arrow Digital, an authorized distributor of EFI VUTEk printers in India, has installed the first EFI VUTEk GS3250LX Pro at Wonder Images in Kolkata. With UltraDrop Technology, EFI VUTEk GS3250Lx Pro is a 3.2 m system, capable to handle eight colors, and has a two-white ink channel multilayer printing capability with greyscale technology that allows PSPs to produce multiple applications. In addition, its LED technology is also a key feature for using many substrates with no distortion and power saving. Apart from that, EFI VUTEk GS3250Lx Pro is a green solution that prints at a speed of up to 2400 sqft/hr.

Amit Murarka, Director at Wonder Images, said that the versatile EFI VUTEk GS3250LX Pro is a cost-effective printer that comes with both rigid and roll-fed printing capabilities along with white ink multilayer printing in a single pass. The printer has added this class-apart EFI technology to meet the growing demand for POP graphics, unique media displays, and other range of premium graphics applications. In his remark on the landmark installation, Sam Patel, CEO & MD, of Arrow Digital mentioned that Wonder Images has been with Arrow Digital for years and adoption of the first EFI VUTEk GS3250LX Pro at their facility will give them the confidence to address all the brands and upcoming campaigns they have been working for.