C!Print ready for 7th edition at Madrid in September 2021


Set to be held on September 28-30, 2021, the 7th edition of C!Print will be held in Madrid, the reference event for professionals of printing, visual communication and personalisation. The current healthcare crisis forced the organiser to cancel the 2020 edition of the show, in this 2021 edition the event is back with new features, and with all the control measures implemented, to ensure the correct development of the show and guarantee the safety of all attendees. C!Print Madrid has the support of the leading brands in the printing, visual communication and personalisation market. It also has the support of FESPA España, the association of professionals in the visual communication sector, which defines C!Print as a safe and necessary value at a key moment in the sector’s reactivation. In this new edition, the areas have been reorganised to meet all the necessary specifications, and to improve the quality of the visitor’s experience as much as possible.