We need to move forward with a focus on new ideas

THE current economic catastrophe has triggered every one of us to move fast forward through necessary disruption. We all will remember this period for engaging ourselves into unconventional thinking and innovative tasks to create a newer, better and more resilient business model. Even some new trends, such as work from home, e-commerce, social media engagement, have borne out of this pandemic situation. In a way, we must take it as a new silver lining that exists alongside the unavoidable economic pain.
In the signage industry, now the time has come for PSPs to at least leave the economic pain behind and move quickly forward with a focus on unconventional thinking and innovations. The thump rule is that innovations come from two verticals—use of advanced machines and adoption of forward-looking business model. Looking around the industry, over the last few months, it is quite evident that graphic arts companies and businesses which have achieved success are those who offer unparalleled value to their customers. They could do it because they own advanced technologies and play with new ideas.
Machine manufacturers and suppliers have a pivotal role in leading the industry and their customers forward in such unprecedented time. The advancement of their machines and technologies will help PSPs move forward by leaps and bounds. In fact, it’s all about technologies that brought ideas to life. Ideally we are in an industry that has starved itself of new ideas, which now become the need of the hour to rebound ourselves into business.
New ideas are required in this unprecedented time because conventional thinking will no longer be what it leads us to innovation, creativity and productivity. There is nothing that gets us out of thinking conventional than an existential crisis. For now we need to abandon our traditional thoughts and ideas which simply lead us to pedestrian improvements in products or services. We need to adjust our mindset around new business planning, outside the traditional scope, paving it as a new way to success and revival.
As we are on the road to recovery, we don’t need to be those who are waiting for the moment to get something we are comfortable doing. There is no point of waiting for something to come back, because it will never come in such time of economic catastrophe. The basic principle is to come out with a focus on new ideas and innovations. In a positive way, I would like to say there is no other better time to be in the signage and graphic arts industry than right now. Because, our future depends on those who have ideas and advanced technologies. And we have a lot of them!
The pandemic crisis has challenged our notions of what to expect from our business, lives, our routines and core institutions in our society. But we shouldn’t retreat or surrender. Let’s dive in and overcome!
Sonal Khurana