Main Stories
Dig Design Studio behind branding and communication design of TiE summit

Signage in South India resonates in different tunes

City of Chennai is where hoardings and billboards in public spaces are totally banned under a strict Supreme Court order. But this doesn’t deter the spirits of the city’s signage players. They find other alternatives to sustain their activities in specific clusters like retail, indoor and specialty signage. Such attribute of the city’s signage players makes Chennai a totally diverse but unique kind of market in its own way. And additionally is the distinguished development sweeping across Coimbatore, which is considerably a promising hub bulged with a number of new and enthusiastic players seeing big business expansions ahead.
Max Flex & Imaging systems ties up with Pioneer Polyleathers
QR Codes bridging gap between physical and digital worlds
How do sign shops harvest maximum profitability?
HP roadshows in Chandigarh and
Ahmedabad bring benefits of Latex to PSPs

HP India organises first ever
education programme on Latex technologies

Supra Digital boundless for acclaimed retail solutions and beyond…

Jan Feb 2012

InfoTrends predicts continued growth in wide-format UV-curable inkjet

Halifax Vogel Group (HVG) has announced its new partnership with leading international manufacturer of plastic film, Renolit, which will see Renolit Seaflex polished PVC sheet reintroduced to the market.

Others :

MGI awarded Engineering Prize for innovative inkjet technology
Kala introduces latest laminators
Avery and Mutoh offer second car wrap training
Arlon partners with Hith Impex for India distribution
Vista System’s suspended illuminated signs fabricate Hyderabad airport