Agfa’s two landmark Jeti Tauro installations in Mexico and France


Mexican printing company Calcomanías Tradicionales, which was established in the 1980s by the Martínez family, has long been recognised for its commitment to innovation and quality. As the company expanded, it sought out cutting-edge technology to meet the demands of industries such as automotive and advertising. In it, Agfa’s hybrid Jeti Tauro has clicked their requirements. “Jeti Tauro’s hybrid capabilities allow us to print on rigid substrates and roll-to-roll, making it an incredibly dynamic tool for our production needs,” said Raúl Salgado, Sales Director of Calcomanías Tradicionales.

On other side, the game-changing Agfa Tauro inkjet printer has been installed at Bourgeois Publicité, yet another family-owned company, in France. A 3.2m Tauro H3300 UHS LED UV hybrid with white and varnish options, this Tauro addition has joined the company’s fleet of other machines including a Fuji X3 and a 3.2-meter VUTEk. “This new Jeti Tauro will provide us with roll-to-roll, varnish, and white printing capabilities. The tests with varnish have been particularly successful, allowing us to expand our commercial offerings with great confidence,” says Jacques Bourgeois, Founder of Bourgeois Publicité. Jeti Tauro H3300 UHS LED UV hybrid inkjet printer from Agfa can apply high-gloss or satin varnish at speeds up to 150sqm/h.