Caldera announces new Customer Success Plan


RIP software house Caldera has launched a new Customer Success Plan. The aim of the initiative is to give CalderaCare customers a unique user experience that will onboard and welcome them into the Caldera user-base community. It will also open channels of communication between Caldera and new customers, enabling the company to explain how they can work together and to hear what their clients think and feel about the Caldera experience. As well as enabling users to get the maximum value out of their Caldera products and services, the Customer Success Plan should prove a valuable tool which the company can use to improve the customer experience, reduce early calls to support and to generate interest in CalderaCare webinars and onsite training. The Success Plan presentation will explain how customers can contact Caldera support, either by using the support form, live chat or by phone, and it will also present the different service levels available to CalderaCare members.