EPSON celebrates 80th Anniversary by opening EPSON Museum Suwa
Celebrating its 80th Year in Business on May 18, EPSON opened the new EPSON Museum Suwa at its corporate head office in Suwa, Nagano, Japan. The two-part museum, which consists of a renovated Monozukuri Museum and a new Memorial Hall, gives visitors a chance to learn about EPSON’s history and products from the past. Memorial Hall in the museum is housed in what was the original administrative building, construction of which was completed in October 1945. The recently renovated historic building is now open to the public. EPSON’s predecessor, Daiwa Kogyo Ltd. was founded in May 1942. Over the ensuing eight decades, the company evolved while passing on its DNA as an innovator and manufacturer. Refining the micromachining and precision processing technologies Epson developed for watches and deploying them in other areas helped to fuel the company’s growth.