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Applications that can be trending in 2017

When it comes to forecasting the trends that will be picking up in the year 2017, we can say ‘almost all of them’. But there are certain applications upon which every one of us must pay attention to boost up business to a new level. In a abroad way, the three prospective applications in this respect can be categorised as general signage, textile and specialty graphics. Let’s find them out why!

There are certain domains in the Indian signage market, which are fertile, but not yet explored to the fullset. In the new year 2017, what we expect are three application areas that will be trendy, dynamic and productive for signage players. The areas mentioned here revolve around the applications pertaining to general display systems, textile prints and specialty graphics.

General signage

In the printing industry, some specific domains are very much a part and parcel of our day-to-day life—for example, signage. Signage, like packaging, is one of the essentials that would always be in need all around us—be it in the market places, inside corporate buildings, academic campuses, cinema houses, so on. Such display systems become a basic human need as the world without them can’t be imaginable.

When we talk about general signage applications, it shouldn’t be confined only to what we usually see around, in form of roadside hoardings, way-finding systems, but also others including personal promotional and even decorative items. Signage companies must explore the general signage domain, which is moreover a vast arena that encompasses diverse applications produced using advanced printing technologies, substrates and non-print components.

Sign makers must extend or diversify their activities from what usually called printed signs as there are also increasing prospects of traditional sign systems, which consist of wooden displays, channel letters, illuminated or electronic messaging, now gaining popularity around us. Here the point is to make complement these applications one other. Signage players already engaging in printing activities can include illuminated items into their job profile, giving their customers a new choice.

Here another food for thought, digestible as it may be seen all around us, is that the country in the year 2017 will hold general elections in five states, namely, Punjab, UP, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur—this will thus a big opportunity for signage firms to grab projects for poll campaigns and relative activities. With all these new opportunities, this newly ushered year 2017 could be a worthwhile year of business.

Specialty graphics

In order to make something standout amid the crowd, one must go for ‘specialty graphics’ that may include printing on a host of unconventional materials like ceramic, glass and personal gift items like pens, golf ball, smart-phone case, coaster, and others. When it comes to counting the range of specialty printing applications, textile printing (shirts and other garments) also falls into this category. For such innovative offbeat activity, signage players must adopt at least a table or bench-top UV printer, which many leading machine manufacturers keep introducing.

Specialty graphics are not meant for usual normal signage or display systems we usually see in public places. Such applications are designed for conferences, trade expos and so on. These days, with the advent of highly-advanced printing technologies/machines, items printed with specialty graphics are found common at trade events, for example, logo-festooned pens as gift tokens for visitors. In this respect, awards and mementoes also include on priority basis.

The bottom line is that signage companies must take 2017 as the year to catch some new trends, letting their customers know these things are possible. In this, it takes a bit of innovation to impress the crowd!

Textile arena

A key arena that has been a gaining ground for new applications and innovations in the industry is ‘textile’. There are many added advantages revolving around this versatile material, which is eco-friendly, light weight and easily portable. With such advantages, textile is set to continue its growth in the year 2017. Though soft signage is a big deal for every sign maker, this is not the only ‘textile’ application that may accelerate business. As we have seen all over the world, area of trendy textile application is in interior décor and such unconventional domains.

If we count on some textile printing technology, latex may come at the forefront. Many of the leading machine manufacturers have come up with a range of pretty versatile latex systems, which may include entry level as well as production models, suitably designed for start-ups as well as those already established ones looking for upgraded high-end jobs. In this context, signage players may give a focus on garment printing that an be as simple as T-shirts, sports caps and others in the categories using ancillary dye-sub printers.
