Marabu marks green milestone to achieve climate neutrality


Marabu is celebrating a green milestone by becoming climate neutral. The company’s PROJECT GREEN combines all measures that are taking them on their journey to climate neutrality. All Marabu business units will, where possible, make a specific contribution to achieve the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with PROJECT GREEN and therefore participate in the Green Deal. The company has worked with Climate Partner to analyse all the carbon dioxide emissions from the sites in Tamm and Bietigheim and determine its carbon footprint. Including all product-related factors such as raw materials and logistics, Marabu currently generates approximately 18,500 tons of unavoidable carbon dioxide emissions. This value is the positive result of a number of climate-friendly measures pursued by Marabu, such as the early switch to green electricity in 2007. Marabu’s main activities to avoid and reduce CO2 emissions energy – by switching to green electricity from hydropower, they eliminate almost 2000 tons of carbon dioxide every year.