Mehta Cad Cam unpacks two flagship machines —

‘Prince’ Flex/banner printer with Seiko printhead & high-speed VEGA Series cutting-engraving system

With businesses gradually opening up, signageand graphic arts companies must pull their socks up now to fulfil the demands for new and innovative applications from their customers. At this juncture, Mehta Cad Cam Systems has launched two flagship machines suitably designed to help signage players hit the road to recovery in the post-lockdown period.


Princeflex/banner printer with Seiko printhead and VEGA Series CO2 laser cutting &engraving system are the two machines which Mehta Cad Cam System has launched to help signage players recover what they have lost during the lockdown times.

Prince flex/banner printer

Developed in its own factory, Mehta Cad Cam’s new ‘Prince’flex/banner printer features Seiko printhead 1024 SG. It is the latest printhead with 28pL. It delivers 25pL output with the help of unique ink and extraordinary wave foam. It is the fastest printhead having a frequency of 30 kHz giving 1200 sq ft/hr with 2 printheads and 2400 sq ft/hr with 4 printheads.

VEGA Series cutting-engraving system

The new VEGA Series, a high speed, high polish CO2 laser cutting and engraving system, was originally launched only for the international market. But it isnow available forthe domestic market as well.The series comes with two standard models:Vega-48 and Vega-43.

VEGA-48 has a working area of 4×8 ft and is equipped with Japanese AC Servo Motor, ball screw and it comes in 220w or 300w glass laser tube.

It cuts up to 40 mm of acrylic with clear glass finish surface without any line striations and with high accuracy. This laser cutting and engraving system is a must for all customers who need to cut thick acrylic sheet of 10 mm and above in high speed and high polished sides/edges.

VEGA-43 is available in 4×3 ft working area, equipped with high end X-Y rails, Japanese AC Servo Motor, and robust construction. It is a must for those cutting and engraving materials such as acrylic, MDF, fabrics, etc. at a very high speed.

Mehta develops robust and resilient machines. The company has extensive experience in manufacturing laser and CNC machines with its engineering team that has always revolutionised the market with their constantly upgrading product line.

For further details, connect with Tejendra, Product Head (Marketing, Seiko) and Gaurav, Product Head (Marketing, VEGA) Mehta Cad Cam Systems Pvt Ltd at: 9227678041 and 9227985717 or visit: